
Creating Difference

What makes a brand unique today is the difference it creates—how it affects peoples lives and becomes part of their story.” — Bernadette Jiwa

the following post first appeared on the Brains on Fire blog


Bernadette Jiwa is a kindred sprit to us at Brains on Fire. She thinks like we think. Her book, DIFFERENCE, is comfort food to us because she understands that “marketing is, and has always been, a transfer of emotion.”

We dedicated lots of pages in our book to explaining how the best marketing is about loving people and if you don’t love people then get out of marketing. We also make a plea for businesses to understand that the passion conversation isn’t about getting people to talk about YOU, the brand. Instead, it’s about getting people to talk about themselves and how they have become better people because YOU, the brand, emotionally connected with them.

DIFFERENCE is of the same spirit. It’s a manifesto urging marketers to go beyond developing products and programs that are not just different, but more importantly… create a difference in people’s lives.

Bernadette explains,

“You can’t build a great business just by being different. You need to create ideas and experiences that give people reasons to care and to belong, not just the reason to choose.

What makes a brand unique today is the difference it creates—how it affects peoples lives and becomes part of their story. When you are organized to create difference, not just be different, the result is much harder to replicate.”

To help businesses develop empathy-driven strategies that result in making a difference in the lives of customers, Bernadette shares a step-by-step framework called, The Difference Map. This framework starts with finding the fundamental truth about the people your business wants to impact and finishes with a pathway to develop products and programs that matter most to your customers. Click below to get started on creating a difference with the people your business loves.


As this year ends and next year begins, you’d be wise to read and follow Bernadette Jiwa’s advice in how to make a difference in the lives of people who love you… your customers.